The Old Parties

The Old Parties

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rusty barbed wire

grates against old wooden posts

tension down the line


Dear bloggy friends,

I’m afraid I must inform you that you need to prepare NOW for the zombie apocalypse, as tomorrow is the day. Please stock up on toilet paper, blindfolds and ear muffs. Whatever you do – do NOT watch the election coverage on television. To do so could have irreparable consequences for brain circuitry. You must also have access to supplies of fresh water, canned food and insect repellent. Televisions will be off limits from Sunday for at least the next 3 years, so internet contact will be the only acceptable form of media communication.

this message is provided by yours sincerely


Mind your language Kevin

Mind your language Kevin

What a day in politics. Today Julia Gillard became the first female Prime Minister of Australia, in a ‘bloodless coup’

My cousin Anna Burke is a Backbencher in the Labour Party but was away today and missed all the action. What a day to be away.

Congratulations Julia!

I thought I would resurrect a poem I wrote ages ago about Kevin Rudd, before we totally forget about him. This is an affectionate dig at Kevin – not to be taken as an attack on the man who helped pull us through the Global Financial Crisis.

Thanks Kevin.

Mind your language Kevin

flaunting assertive flesh
exciting the people.

imitating the Yogi Subbayah Pullaver
with extended verbal levitation
above the heads of the people.

Verbal diarrhoea whilst yogic flying
or pectoral excellence while fly-fishing?