Citrus Fiesta (Poems by Juliet Wilson)

Citrus Fiesta (Poems by Juliet Wilson)

Photo by Gabrielle Bryden


Papayas and Lemons

In your garden grew a beautiful lemon tree
In mine there was a papaya tree

We breakfasted on fresh papayas
sprinkled with ginger
and drizzled with lemon juice

Until one day a raging storm
blew down the papaya tree

Now we eat our breakfasts alone
and you take your lemons to market


48 hours without
(on a 2 day sponsored fast for charity)

I bought a bag of tangerines
for the time of breaking the fast –
they sat, glowing orange
temptation in the fruit bowl.

The first day I struggled
to remain normal, distracted
by ugly rumbles in my stomach –
signs of a deep hunger

that on the second day
gave way to dizzy light headedness,
an ability to float
above the mundane everyday.

On the forty ninth hour
I held a tangerine, its scent
spicing the air; how strangely
difficult it was to eat

to deny myself my entry
into that other existence
I had almost started
to glimpse.


Juliet Wilson is a Scottish poet from Edinburgh (aka Crafty Green Poet) who blogs here (‘creative thinking, greener living’). She is the author of the poetry colleciton ‘Unthinkable Skies’.

Thanks Juliet 🙂

14 thoughts on “Citrus Fiesta (Poems by Juliet Wilson)

  1. I much enjoyed these, Juliet. ‘Papayas and Lemons’ was most arresting in every way. Tight, crisp as ever . . . and with that wonderful twist of citron at the end!

    1. That is my lemonade tree Ben 🙂 from last year – but I have lots of little fruits at the moment so this years harvest should be a bumper crop too – I’ll get more photos.

  2. Always a joy to read your work, Juliet. Your first poem ‘Papayas and Lemons’ has reminded me of eating canteloupe sprinkled with ginger and lemon juice as a child. When I got to Australia people didn’t serve it that way and thought I was strange for having it like that. I don’t eat it that way anymore and had forgotten I did. I like the little tinge of sadness in your poems. Very real emotion!

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