

Billy and Benny, flower pot meeeeny πŸ˜‰

playful goats
crunching on hay
tough roughage


Two gorgeous miniature goats have joined Merlin and Spirit (our two Suri alpacas) in their paddock.

I would like to introduce you to Billy and Benny – they are very young but won’t get much bigger πŸ™‚

They are pets and we can lead them around the garden like dogs, but unlike dogs, they eat nearly everything they can get their little mouths around (including plastic)!

We will have to keep a close eye on these two hyperactive eating machines.

28 thoughts on “Haiku

  1. aloha Gabrielle – way fun. goats. they are a wild treat to watch (imo).

    great line: “tough roughage” for your last line in the haiku. i like the fragment and phrase direction you’ve used with this ku.

    i also like that “tough roughage” altho directed at the food has a sense about it that could include the idea of roughhousing play. i know that’s not what “roughage” means but still. . . . the idea surfaces in me when i read it with the first line of the ku. fun. aloha.

    1. that was along the lines of my thinking anyway Rick (the roughage sounding like roughhouse play as well as the food thing) – so thanks for picking that up πŸ™‚ Goats are great to watch – can spend a lot of time just interacting and watching them (hence me not getting much writing done in the last while).

      1. bwahahahaha – yeah, watching goats is fun. you have to have fun. otherwise what would be the point of having written? (well, that’s not exactly it, however i think there is a place for funβ€”and watching goats counts for that).

        i think we sometimes need to live our lives and experiences without a camera or a pen (or a phone) immediately at hand. when we do pick our camera, pen or phone back up, what we do with these will be enriched for our time without these things (imo).

        so no slacking, have goat, alpaca and critter fun until you are satiated. i know you’re doing that with family, which counts too. then when you are ready and your pen is ripe, splatter your words down and you can have fun with the critters all over again that way too. aloha.

    1. It is getting pretty busy around here with all the critters Helen πŸ˜‰ but it has the benefit of getting me out of my chair and a bit more active (which has to be a good thing) – I’m actually starting to feel fitter (wonders πŸ˜‰ )

    1. The alpacas were quite scared of the goats for a couple of days Ben, but have now begun to approach them and get along – if they didn’t I would have to separate them (and that would have been a lot of work). The alpacas can help protect goats – if there are any intruders, like wild dogs, the alpacas let out an alarm sound and will kick and attack them (well, that is what I have heard).

    1. You can’t help yourself can you Staffo πŸ˜‰ They were already named when we got them (the couple who sold them to us also keep Dexter cattle for their own consumption – they call all the cows t-bone and rump – which I am sure you will appreciate). I am not going to be eating my little goaty friends (so raspberry to you pffttt)

  2. they look funny…. or it is the angle

    I love goats, shame having them mean almost no life, or no ability to disappear for some days

    your place looks amazing and more amazing with every post and poem coming to life

    1. no, that’s how they really look Dhyan – hahaha (funny) πŸ˜‰ They can tie you to home, that’s for sure, but usually you can find someone to look after your animals for a while. I’ve done enough travelling to last me a lifetime so it doesn’t bother me.

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