Guest Blogger – artist Benedicte Delachanal

Guest Blogger – artist Benedicte Delachanal

Today, I am guest posting the wonderful artist Benedicte Delachanal from Montreal, Canada. She displays her drawings and paintings at her blog Carnet de Dessins. Make sure you pop over for a squiz – she is doing a Christmas ‘do’s and don’t’ cartoon series at the moment (she did one last year that was just brilliant).

Regular readers of my blog will know that Benedicte is producing the illustrations for our series of childrens stories (Aletha Kuschan is in on the act as well) about a ‘rock chick’ chicken called Pompadour and a hairstylist hamster called Blanca (who has 9 babies!).

I asked Benedicte the questions ‘why do you blog?’ and ‘what do you like most about blogging?’ and this is her answer (in the unique Benedicte style):

Why do I blog? (by Benedicte Delachanal)
What do I like most about blogging? (by Benedicte Delachanal)

Thanks Benedicte.

23 thoughts on “Guest Blogger – artist Benedicte Delachanal

    1. You’re very welcome Benedetta ;)It is interesting this blogging phenenemon – so many different people from so many places doing so many creative things and being inspired as we go.

  1. How amazing it must be to be able to draw like that. WOW. I would be skipping down the road if I could do that. And may I say, what a perfect collaboration between you two!

  2. bwahahahahaha aloha and bwahahahaha – yeah, i’m just getting to know Benedicte humor. that “To Be A Star” cracks me up every time i watch it. …altho i gotta say the facial expression, gestures, dress and exuberance in all of these are all grinners.

  3. Benedicte’s art gives me a feeling of happiness when I see it. Her works are cheeky, mischievous & irreverent. Thank you for introducing us to Benedicte & her work Gabrielle. Looking forward to seeing your collaboration.