Autism Heroes

Autism Heroes

Autism Heroes

Many people on the Autism spectrum (which includes Asperger’s Syndrome) have reached dizzy heights in their chosen career or creative endeavour.

There is a wonderful book for children (aged 8-12) on the autism spectrum called Different like me: my book of autism heroes by Jennifer Elder. It is very inspiring.

The book describes the lives of famous/inspirational people who had/have autism or who probably would have been diagnosed with autism if they had lived in this day and age. These people excelled in the world of science, art, literature, maths, comedy and philosophy. They all had great difficulty fitting in, but still managed to achieve great things.

It is beautifully illustrated by Marc Thomas and Jennifer Elder.

The book outlines the lives of:

Albert Einstein
Dian Fossey
Andy Warhol
Benjamin Banneker
Andy Kaufman
Wassily Kandinsky
Julia Bowman Robinson
Piat Mondrian
Alan Turing
Sophie Germain
Lewis Carroll
Isaac Newton
Nikola Tesla
Paul Erdos
Glenn Gould
Immanual Kant
Barbara McClintock
Joseph Cornell
Hans Christian Andersen
Temple Grandin

The biographies include some of their autistic characteristics.  For instance, Albert Einstein didn’t speak until 3 and didn’t speak well until at least 9. He was not considered very smart by his teachers and got thrown out of one school. But he had an intense interest in all things physics and went on to develop his famous theories of space and time.

Temple Grandin says ‘this book will help inspire kids who are different and show them that they too can succeed’ .

I would recommend this book for all children, but particularly those with autism, as well as a terrific resource for teachers, parents/carers, siblings.


Note: This is a repost for tomorrow’s International Asperger Day 🙂

My son who has high functioning autism or asperger syndrome has spent the last 3 days on a school camp – a huge achievement for him, so that makes him my autism hero – can’t wait to pick him up this afternoon and give him the biggest hug ever (not in front of his friends of course, that would be too embarrassing for any boy – haha).

21 thoughts on “Autism Heroes

  1. Hi. I have two sons, one of which is diagnosed with autism and one who’s currently going through the diagnosis process. I often search autism-related topics and that’s how I found your blog.

    The book sounds very interesting and I will most definitely take a better look at it. Thanx for the tip!

    My very best,

  2. It is simply amazing how many people in our society that left an imprint, a mark and are remembered for their contributions had to overcome such difficulties. Thank you for all you do to get information out there to educate and advise.

  3. an amazing group of people, made me stop and realize that being ‘different’, while it certainly has its struggles, is truly a gift, to all of the world. bravo!

  4. So glad Michael had a successful camp. I knew he would. Good on you, Michael!!!

    That is a really inspiring list of people. It doesn’t surprise me at all because falling onto the autism spectrum is obviously no impediment to a creative, fulfilling life. I hope that books like the one you’ve mentioned help to change people’s attitudes. That would be brilliant!

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